My Secret to getting over the fear of being in front of the camera  Welcome back to a quick little blurb about getting on camera. Now, I understand that it's hard to get up on camera, in front of the camera, and talk and, organize your thoughts, especially if you're starting out. One thing I can tell you is we all have that fear. We all have that fear. As a matter of fact, the little story when I was a kid, I used to have to do book reports, et cetera in class. And I hated that. And I was always horrible at that. And kids always laughed at me, and I always felt insecure about that. And because of that, I still to this day hate the public. But that's something that you have to do to level up and become that professional that you want to be. Years later, when I was in publishing, I had to do a talk about a really exciting subject on tests and measurement. For H...
Never worry about Video Editing again! Video is a powerful resource that can help your business grow. It can; however, be complicated, expensive, and time-consuming to produce.