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🔴[LIVE] Wednesday add blogs and podcast to your mix 🦅 🌎 ⚓️


No matter what you do.
Most support services offer marketing value adds in the guise of blogs or other helpful things.

Take those and make them into your video content. How to adVideosso and Podcasts to your Blogs. You focus on your business, and we’ll focus on your videos. Here at VydeoEas,e we make video editing easy. We will focus on editing your videos so you can focus on other important things that need your attention. If you want to know more about our services, please visit our website.

  All right, I'm sitting here waiting for somebody to show up and it's probably not gonna happen. Gonna make good use of this time. And here's the thing, if you're thinking about doing video and you're not in real estate, you're in a service, whether it's financial planning, insurance, Health care janitorial.

I had a guy that did that. There's so much stuff that you can be talking about and you should be marketing with video all day long. Guys, I just did, this is the fourth video I did today, and a lot of it goes just live. I don't polish it, I don't make it look good. I just put it up and be done with it.

Let me lemme show you something here, I just wanna show you real quick.

In most places, most services have service support organizations that help create that content. Now look, this is the guy I was supposed to meet. It's planning conversational. He's got this YouTube thing, right? But

yeah, this right here, this entire blog, there's not one video. People can consume content in multitudes of different ways. That's why TikTok is so popular. That's why YouTube is so popular. That's why Facebook is so popular. That's why blogs are still popular. That's why TV is still popular.

That's why news is so popular. That's why radio and podcasts, right? You can take this content and just extrapolate it or scale it out. You have a blog. And here's the thing I can almost guarantee you he didn't write this because there are service organizations that support this industry, that help create this content.

And 90% of the content that's out there is templated, or it's plain vanilla and doesn't really have a whole lot behind it. So yeah, there's this guy named David Emery who wrote this content. And guys, it doesn't matter what this is, I'm gonna shut it.

No, I'm not. I'm gonna show you what I do. I, feel like I'm beating a dead horse too, death on this. That's right here, I did my live video. I did my live video today. It was about San Jose, cuz I do real estate. This is where I got into the business. I, do still do real estate. Super busy with that.

I have a whole crew of people that, Help you create a video, right? It doesn't matter if it's a polished piece. You should be doing live pieces every day. You should be doing two every day. You should be doing blogs every day. You should be. Why? Because people consume content differently. If you don't, I feel more comfortable doing this on this, and that's great.

Go do it. , right? There are so many different little tricks to the trade. We have this program called Descript. What I'm gonna do is after I'm done with this video, I'm gonna dump this video into the script and it's gonna come up with where is it? The transcript of this content. It's right here, right?

I just did this one today. This is that one three, right? And it. And the beautiful thing about it is it takes out words and gaps. It takes out filler words, it takes out everything, and it does it for you automatically. So then I copy it and paste it here, and I do a grammatical check. I do spell check, and then I take some pieces and parts from the video, little photos, and I wanna make sure I have headlines in there, everything.

And then I embed. I embed this video, which is that video. I embed it into this web website, and into this blog. I'll show it to you real quick,

and then I also have the podcast. So the podcast is really simple. You just uploaded a new episode, quick upload, and you're done. That's. Oh, I don't have time to do any of all. This is so complicated. It's not complicated first of all. Second of all, we'll do it for you. That's part of what we do. You just have to ask us to do it.

It's the next level up. But guys, we're at the point right now where if you're not posting, a bunch of content every day, you're falling behind. Let me see if I have this for you real quick. Yeah, so today is Blog and Pod, so I'm doing this video on blogs and pods, but let me show you. Notte Costa Va.

I wanna show you where do I have it? I should have had it on this. Here it is, the truth about it. Spread the love. Look, I'm not saying that everybody's gonna watch you. I'm not saying everybody wants to go and watch you, right? But let's just say that we're doing this one original video, and then you stream it to YouTube, LinkedIn, and Facebook, right?

And then you upload it to Anchor and you transcribe it into your blog, right? And then you cut them into five little pieces. . It's not because it's 20 minutes of awesome stuff. It's just that people don't wanna listen to you for 20 minutes. Sometimes if they do, they might want to do it on YouTube or they might want to do it on their way home from work.

And then once a week you shoot out a little digest of all the different posts that you do not, Hey, here are 15 different ways for you to see this. One piece of the con. You give 'em one piece of content, which is, to me, its blog, right? Because of the blog. Sorry.

Here it is.

Yeah, sorry. I went off on my little high horse there. So the whole concept is you do your original video right here, and then you spread it out to YouTube, blank 10, and Facebook, and then you upload it to anchor. We already talked. We already showed this, right? I can't do it on that. Then you descript it or grab the transcript and then you can cut it into four or five little pieces of SH for shorts.

And guys, I know people are going three to 10 minutes, people don't want to do that. You will lose the audience. Do it for 30 seconds. Make 'em little sound bites. So they go, what the hell is this guy talking about? right? And then you do your digest, which is one email a month or week to your people saying, this is the four or five pieces of content on my blog.

You can download it and look at it any way you want, but here's the math, right? So you do, let's say you do three. Okay, so now you have three actual pieces of content. You have three other pieces of content, which is a podcast, a blog, and then this over here, which is your email digest, right?

And we, if we just do three, you're going into shorts, TikTok, and reel. You have another 45. And then when you post those to Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Reddit, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr, you have 84. And I'm just using random numbers. That's seven. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. If you did all five, let's say you did five to everything, right?

You have 300 pieces of content from one effort. Do I suggest you do this all the time? No, we can do it for you,

right? Here we go. We'll go back to this. I know I keep beating this like a horse, like a dead horse. It starts with a blog. That's one central hub, and then it goes to your editor. Your, content with your, you're life, right? And it goes to anchor. But Vito, everybody says just to focus on, on, on YouTube.

Absolutely. . I'm not saying do all this stuff in one shot. I'm saying build it out as you go along. This took me three years to get to this point where I'm shucking and jiving and doing all this stuff. I'm still struggling with the shorts. There's a service that I'm trying out right now, seeing if it's something that I like, but it basically takes that whole piece in and drops it into a 32nd spot.

Stop presenting. There you go. 12 minutes of me talking about how to scale out your content. It's, not hard. It's not difficult. You should be doing this when I'm on a call and I'm waiting for my turn, I'm doing all that effort, all that extra stuff, all the blog and what have you. Cuz it's just automated now.

It's not hard. It's not difficult. You guys can do this. I know you can do this. It's not if you wanna sit down every Thursday we have office hours, come and jump in and I'll walk you through how to do it. At least get you in the mindset and then you're gonna get, to the point and say, veto ain't got time for that.

Can you do it? Yes, we can do it because you're gonna get busy. Guys, I'm telling you, everybody looks at me and they, oh, but you only have 400 subscribers. I don't care about the subscribers. I never cared about the, that's a vanity number. I don't care how many people watch one or two of my videos. I don't care.

I don't care if it's two or three. It goes out and it touches people all the time. Whenever they see my video, whenever they see a short, whenever they see whatever I post, they're reminded that Vito does real estate. I don't call 'em, they call me. For the last three weeks in a row, I've gotten referrals.

because they see me, they see my business coming in and they see me doing it. I have five contracts going on right now at a time when the market is supposed to be dead.

I'm working with a bunch of other people right now, and it's not, I'm not saying this to brag, it's just because I put forth the effort. Gary V is 110% right. You have to put out 184, whatever that number is, pieces of content every day to get to that level. And that's what you do. And once you do it there are so many different little things that we're doing just to push my name out there every day.

And yes, it's taking time for me to convert the same and duplicate the same thing with video ease. I'm still mastering it and falling down with the real estate business, learning what I, what works, and what doesn't. And then I'm translating it over to the video business so that I can share it with you.

And that's why I keep talking about this stuff because I'm so excited about it. I know you can tell cause I'm smiling, but.  when people call you and ask you for help, do you have a fence guy? Do you have a plumber guy? Do you have anything? You've made it when you start getting referrals because you're pushing this stuff out all the time, it, that's when you know you've really gotten to the point.

You've, maximized, and saturated your audience, right? I'm attracting a new audience as we go along. It's no. I can get more, but I don't think I can handle more than five or 10 different jobs right now on top of running this business. So

if you wanna sit down with me every Thursday, during office hours, we'll see you out there. 

This video was totally off the cuff. not scripted. no bullets. Just started talking. No matter what you do. Most support services offer marketing value adds in the guise of blogs or other helpful things. Take those and make them into your video content. How to add Videos and Podcasts to your Blogs. You focus on your business, and we’ll focus on your videos. Here at VydeoEase, we make video editing easy. We will focus on editing your videos so you can focus on other important things that need your attention. If you want to know more about our services, please visit our website. If you want to enroll, click our sign-up form to view our available packages. Sign up now Vito Scarnecchia Founder VydeoEase Book appointments here: Pin RD YT IG TW FB POD Professional Photography by Kim E Post-production service for business marketers. Video Marketing Course for Realtors


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